Our People Operations Manager for The Ocean Cleanup – Glen Kissack

By |2021-06-08T07:03:01+02:00June 7th, 2021|Employee Testimonials|

"I truly believe in the importance of healthy and clean oceans, so my goals are aligned with The Ocean Cleanup's overall mission!" What is your role at Maersk Supply Service? At Maersk Supply Service, I was working as a Second Officer when I joined our collaboration with The Ocean Cleanup on a secondment

Women Onshore Sourcing and Contracts Manager Monique Vieira

By |2021-05-25T06:44:00+02:00May 11th, 2021|Employee Testimonials|

"The most interesting part of work in Procurement is understanding how to interact with people inside and outside the organisation." How long have you worked at Maersk Supply Service, and what was your starting position? I have been working in Maersk Supply Service for 8 years. I started in the Procurement department as

Women Onshore Finance Analyst Catherine Barbosa

By |2021-05-25T06:46:33+02:00March 5th, 2021|Employee Testimonials|

"What I have realised, is that the new projects brought to the company, create a very close environment for our colleagues worldwide. We are able to transform each project into an amazing experience of cultural and professional exchanges." How long have you worked at Maersk Supply Service and what was your starting position?

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