6 February 2017
As previously communicated, the Maersk Supply Service vessel, Maersk Battler, lost two towed supply vessels on 22 December 2016. The Maersk Supply Service vessels Maersk Searcher and Maersk Shipper sank 60 miles off the coast of France. The two towed vessels were unmanned. There were 10 people on board the towing vessel Maersk Battler and all were well and accounted for. The Coast guard of France was informed immediately after the incident.
Since 22 December 2016, Maersk Supply Service has been working with the French and Danish Authorities to uncover the causes of the incident. We continue to fulfil our obligations to inspect the wrecks.
There are currently several ongoing investigations by authorities, including the Danish Maritime Authority Investigation Board (DMAIB) and the French Bureau Enquête Accident – Mer. Maersk Supply Service is cooperating with the authorities to establish the contributing factors and root causes of the incident. Potential actions are yet to be determined and will be based on the conclusions of the investigations.
As a responsible ship owner, the safety of people, environment and assets is imperative to us. We are taking the matter very seriously, and we are thoroughly scrutinizing all aspects of the situation to ensure that a critical incident like this will not occur again.
Press Contacts:
Head of Communications, Tine Ostergaard Hansen
Email: Tine.Ostergaard.Hansen@maersksupplyservice.com
Phone: +45 2217 1300