
Heather Stone, Diversity and Inclusion Partner

“Keeping our employees safe is at the heart of our values – and this extends well beyond the operational sense of the meaning. For our people to be able to fully embrace and contribute all aspects of their identity, we need to ensure a culture in which all feel accepted, empowered, and able to speak up when they need to.”

Mental health is a safety issue

At Maersk Supply Service, we want all of our employees to feel safe physically, mentally, and emotionally. We know that when people do not feel supported in this way, they are unable to focus or contribute to the best of their capacity. Maersk Supply Service believes in building psychologically safe environments at sea and on shore. For us, this means people can bring their whole selves to their job, speak up with ideas, questions, concerns and not be punished for mistakes.

Just as Diversity and Inclusion requires contributions from every person at Maersk Supply Service, so does psychological safety. Each one of us has a part to play in making our spaces safe, healthy, and protected.

…and so is inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are fundamental principles at Maersk Supply Service, however diversity alone does not create business or social benefits. It is diversity with inclusion that drives improved performance, collaboration, and innovation. When we have a psychologically safe workplace that has inclusion at its core, the outcome is a culture that supports and drives excellence through diversity and equity. This is the culture that we envision for Maersk Supply Service and why diversity and inclusion is on our business agenda.

Connecting female voices

The Female Sounding Board (FSB) has been relaunched in 2022 after being paused during COVID. The FSB meets quarterly to discuss ideas, concerns, and initiatives that aim to make life at sea better for all. All female seafarers are welcome to participate.

To increase the sense of community for all permanently and 12 month employed female crew across MSS, we have started the Women@Sea network via the MSS News platform. The network is facilitated by the Diversity and Inclusion Specialist with overall oversight by the Female Sounding Board (FSB).


Maersk Supply Service is now a part of the Pride@Maersk Network. The Network is a safe space for members and allies of the LGBTQI+ community working at Maersk. It is a diverse and inclusive community of colleagues who support each other and work towards equity in meaningful ways.


To turn our diversity and inclusion intentions into action we need allies! Anyone and everyone can be an ally. If you are searching for a way to start, look no further than our core values. They are a practical commitment to respect each other and create a workplace where people can thrive.

Read more about diversity & inclusion here.

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