23 May 2022
Maersk Tender and Maersk Trader, the two Maersk Supply Service anchor-handling vessels currently supporting The Ocean Cleanup in the Pacific Ocean, have been contracted for an additional year of operations.
Since 2018, Maersk Supply Service has project managed and delivered offshore campaigns for The Ocean Cleanup, the Dutch green tech non-profit organisation developing and scaling plastic-harvesting technologies to rid the oceans of floating plastic.
The offshore campaigns have taken place in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the largest accumulation of ocean plastic in the world, and have involved towing and trialling The Ocean Cleanup’s plastic-harvesting systems, in order to optimise the systems’ viability and capacity for subsequent scale-ups. With safety at the forefront of all its operations, Maersk Supply Service has supported The Ocean Cleanup’s mission through its specialist maritime expertise, executing the offshore element safely and efficiently in a very remote location.
In May 2021, Maersk Supply Service committed a second vessel and crew to the operations for System 002. By October, the teams reached a major milestone, with the vessels returning from a second offshore voyage with proof of technology after a successful trial, which ascertained that The Ocean Cleanup’s System 002 could safely, efficiently, repetitively, and reliably remove plastic from the oceans. System 002 continues to harvest plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in tandem with the onshore development of System 03, a larger version designed to act as the blueprint for future scale-up.
“Ocean health is integral to Maersk Supply Service’s core values and strategy. The oceans hold the key to many of the energy challenges ahead of us and so we believe we have a responsibility to protect and restore ocean health. It is important that we proactively use our marine capabilities to improve ocean health through partnerships and policies, and so we are very pleased to be able to continue our collaboration with The Ocean Cleanup,” says Jonas Munch Agerskov, Chief Commercial Officer at Maersk Supply Service.
To date, The Ocean Cleanup has collected approximately 67,000 kgs of plastic waste from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. In addition to the vessels and marine support from Maersk Supply Service, A. P. Møller-Maersk also provides logistics support to The Ocean Cleanup, ensuring global end-to-end transport of the project equipment such as the collected ocean plastic and its river cleanup technologies, including the Interceptor Original, the Interceptor Barrier, and the Interceptor Tender.
Learn more about The Ocean Cleanup: https://theoceancleanup.com/.
About Maersk Supply Service
Maersk Supply Service is a leading provider of marine services and project solutions for offshore energy sectors. With a large fleet of anchor handling and subsea support vessels, the company specialises in towing, mooring and installing floating units.
Maersk Supply Service is committed to decarbonising its fleet and focuses on energy efficiency and ocean health. The company is expanding into renewable industries such as floating wind and ocean cleaning. Maersk Supply Service is a subsidiary of A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S, and employs around 1100 offshore and 220 onshore staff.
For more information, visit www.maersksupplyservice.com
Media Contact
For Media enquiries, please contact
Head of Communication at Maersk Supply Service: Charlotte Holst at charlotte.holst@maersksupply.com or +45 21 47 62 59