19 March 2018
The Danish Maritime Authority has today informed Maersk Supply Service, that it will hand over the further investigation of Maersk Supply Service to the Danish Police. The investigation concerns Maersk Battler’s loss of the two towed vessels Maersk Searcher and Maersk Shipper on 21 and 22 December 2016.
The two vessels were on their way to a shipyard for recycling and were unmanned, when they sank 60 miles off the coast of France. No people were injured by the incident.
An incident report by the Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board published on 30 August 2017, concluded that the incident emerged from a unique conjunction of events and circumstances – not a single factor. The thorough and transparent description of the incident and conclusions in the report are consistent with Maersk Supply Service’s internal investigation, conducted by technical experts and experienced on- and offshore personnel.
Since the incident, Maersk Supply Service has taken firm actions to implement preventive measures to ensure a similar incident can not happen again. This includes implementing strengthened processes and procedures, conducting management of change training of the relevant personnel, improving risk assessment and ensuring reviews by 3rd party experts. In addition, by request of the French authorities, Maersk Supply Service are inspecting the wrecks and monitoring any potential environmental impact twice a year until 2019.
Maersk Supply Service has been working closely with the French and Danish Authorities to mitigate the impact of the incident, as well as assisting in uncovering the causes. Following an investigation of the incident, the French authorities concluded in 2017 that they did not find reasons to pursue the incident further.
While the police investigation is ongoing, Maersk Supply Service can not provide any further information.
About Maersk Supply Service
Maersk Supply Service provides marine services and integrated solutions to the energy sector worldwide. Maersk Supply Service is the market leader in deep-water services such as anchor handling in ultra-deep water, mooring installations, rig moves and transport of equipment to drilling rigs and production units.
Maersk Supply Service employs an international staff of around 1100 offshore and 200 onshore people. Headquartered in Lyngby, Denmark, Maersk Supply Service is represented globally with offices in Aberdeen, Houston, St. John’s, Rio de Janeiro, Accra, Lagos, Luanda, Singapore and Perth.
Maersk Supply Service is a part of the stand-alone Energy division of A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S. A.P. Møller – Maersk A/S employs roughly 88,000 employees across operations in 130 countries.
For more information about Maersk Supply Service, please visit the website at www.maersksupplyservice.com
Media Contacts (Maersk Supply Service)
Charlotte Holst Frahm
Mobile: +45 2147 6259
Email: Charlotte.Holst@maersksupplyservice.com